Does He Really Love You?

Sometimes you wonder what do the words "I LOVE YOU" mean? If you define each word using a dictionary you can understand the phrase within the English language. The first word, "I" is a pronoun, used for the subject of one's self. Using I in this context is the person speaking, the one announcing their love. So what is Love? According to the dictionary, "Love" is the tender passionate care towards one person. In society, love however, is thought to be a special feeling felt between people, or by one person for someone else. The final word in this phrase is "you". This word is yet another pronoun describing the single second person. In the context of this phrase, "you" is the person you would like to tell you have feelings for them. The "I" and the "you" are both pronouns and describing the subject, therefore when the three words are put together, "I love you" basically means, "I have a passionate and tender care towards you". In today's society, when one says, "I love you", then it normally brings joy to the happy couple, as one announces their feelings toward the other. Its as if these words bring a special bond between couples. The words bring a special happiness within the couple that can't be easily explained, so it is often thought to be considered natural. you know when someone is in love with you, when they act strangely around you. Being nervous around your lover occurs quite often. When you are with someone you love, your physical self (your body) overpowers the mental self (your mind). When this happens your physical self starts to play with your mind and you lose control of your normal self, the normal you. People often start acting silly towards their lover as their nerves start playing up. When this happens many times you know that they love you.
So many times you don't have to tell your partner that you love them, because they already know that you do. But how do you know it is Love?
Many people just know that someone loves them. There are a few reasons for this; they try to please you and make you happy, and they act strangely around you. You just know when someone is in love with you. Even though they try to make your life happy, they must be involved in some way. Being nervous around your lover occurs quite often. When you are with someone you love, your physical self (your body) overpowers the mental self (your mind). When this happens your physical self starts to play with your mind and you lose control of your normal self, the normal you. People often start acting silly towards their lover as their nerves start playing up. When this happens many times you know that they love you.
So many times you don't have to tell your partner that you love them, because they already know that you do. But how do you know it is Love?
Many people just know that someone loves them. There are a few reasons for this; they try to please you and make you happy, and they act strangely around you. You just know when someone is in love with you. Even though they try to make your life happy, they must be involved in some way. Being nervous around your lover occurs quite often. When you are with someone you love, your physical self (your body) overpowers the mental self (your mind). When this happens your physical self starts to play with your mind and you lose control of your normal self, the normal you. People often start acting silly towards their lover as their nerves start playing up. When this happens many times you know that they love you.
How do you know He Loves You?
I can tell you if you expect a man to show you he loves you every day you are asking way too much, a man can love you with his whole being and not show it. Some men aren't really good at expressing the love that they have for you, and some men just aren't as romantic as other men. Start paying attention to this guy and you may see things that you didn't notice before because you were too busy wondering if he loved you. Sometimes you may have to step back and look a little harder at the situation to find the result.
For the most part if a guy didn't love you somewhat he wouldn't be with you. Also, you might just have to sit him down and flat out ask him and if his answer isn't what you were looking for you may have to decide if this is the relationship for you. If he tells you he loves you, how do you know he really does? You should be able to see true meaning when he says it. He may give you a kiss and tell you how much he loves you. Also, if you ask him why he loves you, and he answers, "I don't know, I just do," that is one of the worst ways for you to believe him. To show he loves you he should kiss you before or after he does... or tell you " I love you so much." Or maybe he gives you a gift for no reason or just to say he loves you. That is true love. Love is like a flower because it comes in many diffrent types. If he doesn't say it, it doesn't mean he's shy, any man is capable of saying I love you. If he doesn't say I love you, then he doesn't mean it! Changing of topic when you discuss about your future with him is not a gowe judge others by our own standards.
If I'm a person who feels loved when somebody hugs me and kisses me, I'm most likely going to try to show love to another person by hugging and kissing them. But what if they experience the feeling of being loved when somebody brings them an unexpected gift, and hugs or kisses are relatively meaningless to them?
These are some sure signs that tell a guy really likes you. But do not confront him as soon as you find these signs in him. Give him some time to realize that he loves you. On the other hand, you can show him in your own ways that you like him too. You will know the right time to confide, you just do!